What I’m Wearing: Goldie London Studded Leather Jacket, H&M; Hat, Burgundy Tank + Leather
Skater Skirt, Vintage Maroon Polka Dot Blouse, Prada Sunglasses & ASOS Suede Heels.
Whenever Michelle comes to stay with me in Paris she brings me another one of her awesome creations- and this leather jacket is probably my favourite yet. I find alot of leather jackets really rigid and uncomfortable- but this one is so soft and tailored to fit in just the right way. If only I had a Vespa to zip around Paris on and this playing full volume in my ears- I’d officially be badass. Friday is here (holy fashion moly, uhh where did this week dissappear to?!)- hope you all have a great weekend. And just in case you all want to see, I’ve updated my PRESS/FEATURES page- one of the perks of hanging out with all the streetstyle photographers during fashion week is I accidently made it onto some pretty cool websites. You can take a look here. Also, Frassy Rags will be get a stock reload this weekend, including these awesome bracelets– I saved two for myself and cannot stop wearing them! Photos: Anastasia Nielsen
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