It is always so great to find one of those real fashion gems, you know the sort of shop you stumble upon, curiously walk in and then leave later both totally in love, but also, totally broke. Emé & Isa Galerie sort of stole my heart, which is why the two lovely girls that own the shop, invited me in, to get silly, try on clothes and film some of my in-store antics. What I especially about their clothes is that they are all designed by young individual, independent designers from all over Europe- and most of the pieces they sell are handmade and produced in very small quantities. There is something very special and supportive in buying something made by a young up and coming fashion designer. I sometimes feel that “fast fashion” and the big name retailers we all (including myself) love to shop at, sort of steal or dissolve the essence of what fashion really is. Like any art form, its about construction but on a very personal level. When you put a piece of clothing on, you should be able to feel or sense something about the person who created it. Nothing really beats the authenticity of clothes made by hand and with love, rather than churned out of a factory. And so, I feel, Emé & Isa Galerie have brought that idea to Paris- reminding us that clothes aren’t just clothes and fabric isn’t just fabric, but that within the minute fibres and hems of a garment, there can lie a whole creative story and process. If you are in Paris, go check out their store, plus you can find them on facebook here.
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