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Tutu Casual

Monday, April 9, 2012
PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketWhat I’m Wearing: Ella-Tino Bomber Blouse, Vintage Hat, H&M; Gold Collar 
+ Tutu Skirt, Zara Denim Studded Bucket Bag, & ASOS Hightops PhotobucketPhotobucket
So I won’t lie to you and claim that my uhh darker skin is due to the raging hot Parisian sunshine but rather be honest and tell you that yes it is fake tan (I have no shame in wearing fake tan, sure it can look really horrible but when applied in moderation, it can make you feel so much better about yourself. After all, I grew up in Spain- so without a tan, I often feel naked) My article last week for Flingly was about my take on the sportsluxe trend – you can all read it here – and on that topic, don’t be afraid to combine girly skirts with sneakers – it can totally work! More tomorrow! Photos: Anastasia Nielsen 


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