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Barely There

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketWhat I’m Wearing: Vintage Mesh Tee, Simply Beach Bra, H&M; Leather 
Trousers, Spartoo Sandals, ASOS Sunglasses + Hat PhotobucketPhotobucket
Wow, not going to lie, it took just about all the confidence I have to leave the house wearing this- and yes, I almost ran back to my apartment in shame after the first few disapproving old lady stares. But then I remembered that one day, along the way, I will probably feel too old to wear something like this- and so I thought, best to cross it off my sartorial bucket list now rather than later. I can hope this rather risqué outfit encourages you all to wear what you love, regardless – always regardless of what others might think. And don’t worry, Frassy will go back to full colour tomorrow- I’ve just really been enjoying B&W; photography these days. More tomorrow! Photos: Anastasia Nielsen 


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