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Choo Chill

Monday, May 7, 2012
PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketWhat I’m Wearing: Olive Boutique White Blouse, Zara Leggings, Annabelle’s Brown Wig, Jimmy Choo Leopard Heels & Mini Bag PhotobucketPhotobucket
Wearing some of my favourite Jimmy Choo pieces that I received for a (secret) collaboration, which I cannot wait to share with you (and it should be soon, too!) Plus, I absolutely adore this hair (compliments of Annabelle’s Wigs) – I wish my own locks were as wavy and bouncy as this- I couldn’t stop swishing my hair, such fun! And finally, I’ll leave with you some music – some day soon, I am planning on creating some playlists to share with you, but until then, check out one of my friend’s super fun mixes right here. More tomorrow! 


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