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Red & Black & Spikes

Sunday, June 3, 2012
PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketWhat I’m Wearing: Zara Red Blazer, Romwe YSL Tee, Zara Frilled Skirt, 
ASOS Platform Sandals + Sunglasses & Romwe Spiked Headband PhotobucketPhotobucket
Whoops, I’m pale again (but that is only because I try to leave a couple days in between my fake tanning sessions) – I’ll def. be doing a couple fake tan reviews on Frassy Review soon, I’ve tried so many and have narrowed it down to a few must-haves. Hope everyone’s weekends have been fun, I’m totally wiped out. Rarely do I do this, but I’ve been lounging in bed and on my sofas all day – sometimes its nice to do absolutely nothing except skype and watch TV shows (currently obsessed with Private Practice, I am all for a good medical drama) And to end the week, I’ve been busy on my Pinterest (pinning is so fun) as well as my diary blog, Sporadic Soul AND a bunch of new jewellery hit Frassy Rags. More tomorrow! Photos: Anastasia Nielsen 


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