What I’m Wearing: Windsor Store Leather Bomber Jacket, Windsor Store Lace Pencil Skirt & Zara Heels
Happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers! And even if you don’t celebrate the holiday, its always a good idea to be thankful. To take a moment to simply appreciate. It is so easy to get caught up in your ambitions and your dreams – I for one, can easily become consumed by them. This constant desire for more, is a good thing – it shows drive and motivation but its important to always remember and cherish what you already have. And so today, I am thankful for my incredible family (I am one of those kids who talks to their parents everyday and no matter what age I am, I always will) but also, my beautiful friends here in Paris – at times, it can be frustrating living abroad and so we also, have formed our own little expat family. More specifically, Anastasia Nielsen, the crazy Australian who takes my blog photographs everyday, god, I love her! And really, what would Frassy be without her? And finally, I am so grateful to all of you, my wonderful readers – who come to my little online fashion corner on a daily basis, your support and encouragement really means the world. I’ve been blogging for almost 5 years now and as Frassy as grown, from my tiny university bedroom all the way over to Paris – my appreciation for all of you has just grown and grown! So Thank YOU! More tomorrow! Photos: Anastasia Nielsen
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