As I mentioned recently, I am taking Frassy in some slightly new directions. Twice monthly, on a Saturday, I will reviewing several products – ranging from beauty to fashion and whatever else I think you all might like to buy/try for yourselves. And so here is my first bi-monthly installment of what I guess I’ll call the “Frassy Review”. I’d love your feedback – and ofcourse if there any products you’d like me to include, just let me know in the comment section below!
Brushlove is a website I came across earlier this month – I had no idea so many different types of makeup brush existed, so I was super impressed at their seemingly never ending product range. I’m not gonna lie here, the makeup brushes I was using before I shamefully bought at the supermarket (yeah, I know, I tend to be such a cheapskate when it comes to make-up). So, you can imagine my reaction when I first tried these VOA Brushlab brushes out! Super soft, easy to use and due to their slick design they look pretty sweet showcased on my bathroom shelf. And the best part? They aren’t ridiculously expensive, ranging from 8 to 15 euros each.
I am obsessed; unhealthily and compulsively ADDICTED to iphone/ipad accessories. I have over 30 iphone cases in my ebay shopping basket. I am hoping this craze of mine will fade over time, but until then I am completely crushing over this adorable pink iphone wallet by Knomo. It is incredibly practical for a couple reasons: 1) I am incredibly clumsy – I’ve dropped my iphone a dozen times, including down the toilet twice! So any extra protection I can provide for my phone is always a good thing. 2) When I go out at night, I bring nothing but the essentials: my keys, credit card & phone. The Knomo purse, for me, doubles as a mini clutch – I’m not weighed down by a handbag – and instead can carry everything in this compact little wallet. Available in an array of colours and its 100% leather – retailing at 59 euros, which seems a little expensive to me – but its well worth the money in the long run!
A scent called Mermaid, how could I ever resist? I have a serious soft spot for anything fantasy-related, unicorns and mermaids primarily. Sometimes its nice to believe in things that could only exist in dreams. The Mermaid packaging is beautiful and simple, just like the scent: a clean orange blossom aroma. Its a winning trio – I’ve been lighting the candle in my bedroom just before I go to asleep and the roll-on oil is perfect for my night time escapes into the city. And with summer right around the corner, I’ll be taking my mermaid to the beach with me – it only seems appropriate, right?
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