I guess most people would map out the best restaurants in their neighbourhood, but me? I usually prefer to eat at home, unless of course there is a chance to eat at Flax & Kale, which is a restaurant in Barcelona you must try should you come to visit. In fact, drop me an email and we can meet there for dinner together. Anyway, instead of gastronomy, I made it my priority to find all the florists in the corner of this city I call home. There a wonderful dozen or so, within a ten minute walk from me. There is the famous one known as Navarro which is open 24 hours, 7 days a week purely because it is cheaper to keep staff there all night than it is to remove their beautifully extravagant outdoor flower displays. I definitely intend on heading there at 4 am at some point to pick up a bouquet, purely for the surreal experience. There is the one called Herbs, where strangely I’ve never seen herbs for sale but instead my favourite orchids as well as exotic leaves which I’ve learnt are unexpected but lovely in a bouquet. The owner has a beagle in a red bandana who barks at Biba every time we enter. And finally, the closest one to home is this one right here, owned by a French man who is wildly obsessed with lavender, which he brings straight to his shop from the fields of Provence. He also has a zealous penchant for dried bouquets, which are especially wonderful because they never wilt or die. You already know how crazy I am about flowers, I am forever filling my home with them. I also fully intend to compile a coffee table book filled with photos of flowers, somehow, someday. To own a flower shop is such a lovely thing and after visiting many of them, I’ve noticed that the people who work in them are just as lovely. Flowers are happy, it makes sense that those who work among them would be happy too. But most lovely of all is just how deliciously cheap a bouquet is in Barcelona. I am certain I’ve mentioned this before, but really, it is blissful. I don’t believe flowers should ever be expensive, it feels contradictory to everything they embody. And it seems this city agrees with me, which is perhaps why I see so many men here striding the streets with a bouquet in hand. I always love to imagine who they are bringing them to. Oh flowers, they truly are a lovely thing.
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