Wearing: Crystallized Vintage Kimono Jacket, H&M; Striped Silk Tank (it was super long and I cut it alot shorter), Zara Leather Leggings, Vintage Hat + JC Litas.
Spring has officially set in here in Paris: the weather is just a dream…I know, I know, I keep harping on about it, but when the weather changes, so do I. Welcoming warmer temperatures and sunnier skies comes with a lighter heart and a refreshed perspective not to mention the constant excitement I feel as I sense summer approaching. I hope you all are as happy as I feel these days! On another note, Britney at Crystallised Vintage is a mega babe, she sent me this delicious kimono jacket that I kinda want to wear with everything. Make sure you check out her stuff, I’ve been an admirer for a long time and I am sure you will be too once you see with your own satorial eyes…
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