What I’m Wearing it: Yayer Vintage Leopard Shorts, ASOS Faux Leather Tank,
Crystallized Vintage Kimono, ASOS Shoes, Rayban Wayfarers, Vintage Hat,
ASOS Bracelets, Cartier Love Bracelet & Michael Kors Watch.
Well, its fashion week but after Harry’s after party last night- I took a day out, and instead mooched around Saint Michel. Ate a club sandwich with Frances (who yes, is in Paris and yes, she took these photos)- and now we are resting up, deciding what to do (if anything) tonight. I’m sort of lacking enthusiasm for Fashion Week- right now I’ve got the worst cold. BUT what DOES excite me are all my fashion friends that flock to Paris at this time of year- the next couple of days are going to such fun. More tomorrow!
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