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Monday, June 9, 2014


What I’m Wearing: Ukulele Dress, ASOS Heels & Zero UV Sunglasses


Trust me to find a typically quaint French cafe and then wear something entirely un-French. I’ve always stuck out a little here in Paris, I like a little bit of crazy sometimes. I love breton stripes & everything Chanel as much as the next girl, but I often grow bored with how safe the Parisians play it wardrobe wise. Their entirely ‘classic’ approach to clothing leaves little room for creativity , which is funny considering how incredibly innovative the fashion industry is in this city. I’m not complaining or criticizing, just simply stating that I can often feel a little out of place here, especially when strangers on the street approach me to angrily ask me why I’m wearing what I’m wearing. But as always, I do my own thing and ignore everything else. The older I get, the more freedom I find in my wardrobe – simply not giving a damn about trends or disapproving looks & comments from fellow pedestrians. Confidence & Creativity are the most important components of your closet girls! Like this darling little dress I’m wearing here, okay not quite Rihanna at the CFDA awards, but it took some courage on my behalf . It’s rather revealing but so pretty! So pretty in fact it got my friend & I free coffees at this very cafe when we were done shooting, as well as a fierce promise from the owner that he was running home to buy the dress for his wife! 😉 More tomorrow!


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