What I’m Wearing: TFNC Beige Cape Blouse, Vintage Tie, H&M; Grey
Suede Leggings, Vintage Shoes, Ebay Clutch & ASOS Sunglasses.
I love a good vintage tie- and sure they look irresistible on men, but hey, girls can rock the tie too! In fact, let me just put this out there, anything a dude looks good in- us women can pull off too. So, don’t be scared off by men’s clothes- so often, while I’m vintage shopping, the men’s section is much more inspiring, especially in the winter: big chunky knits and comfy plaid shirts I can get cosy in. Speaking of the colder weather, the low temperatures have hit Paris hard; I’ve gotten all my coats out and am embarking on the mission of making homemade soup tonight. I miss summer, I do, badly- but then again, there is something so beautiful about winter in Paris. Photos: Anastasia Nielsen
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