Our Christmas Collection is For Sale Online Now

Esther Boutique

Thursday, August 9, 2012
PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketWhat I’m Wearing: Esther Boutique Culture Leather Dress, ASOS Pointed Strappy
 Heels + Sunglasses & Lamprini Collar Necklace


So, Esther Boutique is my latest online shopping obsession. When their PR emailed me, I was instantly impressed with the collection, from neons to lots of black leather panels – they stock the sorts of garments I dream about but could never really find. I urge you all to check them out here! And this dress, OMG THIS DRESS – I adore it, I want to wear it everyday, all day and then sleep in it too. And in celebration of my love for this dress, I even decided to wear my hair down, something I rarely do these days, its just too hot! More tomorrow! Photos: Anastasia Nielsen 


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