What I’m Wearing: Zara Long Cotton Shirt, Zara Cream Frill Skirt, Missguided Sandals & Topshop Hat
Country Living revolves around simplicity, at least for me. Vegetables straight from the field, deep long nights of sleep and more often than not, the sunshine & family as your only constant companions. And while life is far more basic right now, I could not be busier. I purposely came home for an extended stay because there was so much I needed to get done without the wealth of wonderful distractions that Paris holds. We are in full swing with my clothing line – which will be branded after my own name “Audrey Leighton” – for those long-term readers, you probably know that this has been a goal of mine for some time. So, I am beyond thrilled to share my first collection with you. Frassy is also undergoing a re-design, a little slicker, a little more user-friendly and a brand new aesthetic. I am also using my time, out here in the middle of nowhere to finally complete my unique, entirely individual “Frassy Guide to Paris”, which will be available to purchase in digital form (probably towards mid-September) And finally, my free time is spent acquiring a tan while catching up on the stack of books I have been meaning to get through all year. I like to think of this combo as multi-tasking, as an English Lit. grad, I place a lot of importance on reading. And why not do it at a time when your mind would usually be lethargic and restless? (I cannot sunbathe without the distraction of a book, I find it painfully dull). So, on a final note – as well as your cutest dress/favourite sandals, be sure to pack some literature (and no, an Olympia Le-Tan clutch doesn’t count!) into your suitcase for your vacation this August! More tomorrow!
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