What I’m Wearing: Gemelli Shimmy Fringe Swimsuit, Polette Sunglasses & YSL Arty Ring
For a city dweller like me, jumping straight into a bikini right off the plane, is a little scary to say the least. When you are used to being totally covered up, suddenly parading around almost-bare can be a tricky transition – one that usually leaves me loitering by my towel, sweating and hot but not daring to make the half metre walk over to the pool. And so, to remedy this mental block, I embraced the onepiece. Think of it as the swimwear warm-up – a way of easing into the more-often-than-not frightening realm of the BIKINI. However, regardless of what type of swimwear you choose, confidence is really all it takes- so to the girls who can pull on a itsy bitsy bikini on your first day of vacay, I salute you!
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