What I’m Wearing: Hedonia Red Ruffle Dress, Zero UV Sunglasses, Mini Chanel Bag & La Paire Leopard Flats

Hi from Aix-en-Provence, a city I have truly fallen in love with. Experiencing other parts of France has been an eye-opener. I always assumed Paris was the place to be in France – but being such a southern girl, Provence is a real paradise for me, in fact, I am enjoying it here more than the capital. The sun shines brighter, a tan is always a possibility, the air is cleaner – plus everyone seems to smile just a little more. Haleigh told me time after time that I had to come experience this with her and I am glad we finally did. I’ve made a lot of summer memories over the years with her, but these are some of our best yet. Life is good girls, so good in fact, spending time on my laptop just seems like a shame. Checking in on here as often as I can. I have so much to share, but all in due time. Tomorrow we are off to Italy – a country I absolutely adore ! Until next time, be sure to keep up with me on instagram and you can follow our little hashtag too #frassymagiquesummer!
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