A few months ago I was invited to the Caudalie spa for a complimentary facial and an introduction to the brand. Living in Paris, I had always heard of their cosmetics but never really tried any. Moments after my facial, I was buying the entire store – so let me just say, while the facial was a gift, I bought all these products myself and guess what, I am not being compensated to tell you all about my Caudalie love. So really, like all my beauty advice, it comes from a place of personal recommendation. And honestly, I couldn’t be more of a Caudalie advocate – I push their products onto my friends, my mother and insist with a scary enthusiasm, that they MUST TRY THEM. I even bestowed one of their moisturizers onto to my boyfriend, and let me just say, his face is smelling pretty great now! And with winter in full force, and my skin as dry as it is pale – I thought you might like to hear about some of my favourites and why I adore them so.

I use their Instant Foaming Cleanser everyday, twice daily and combined with my clarisonic, it’s the most heavenly, refreshing face washing experience. Refusing to wash my face with anything else has resulted in going through 6 bottles, I have even used it occasionally as a body wash, which is so wasteful, but irresistibly decadent. I am obsessed with anti-ageing, so I’ve been using their Premier Cru Eye Cream alongside their Anti-Wrinkle and Recovery oils. All three are enriched with my favourite ingredient ever, hyaluronic acid – the stuff does absolute wonders. Plumping, refining and soothing too. I am a real fan of oils in this cold weather, they soak in and set the moisture deep – going from indoor heating to freezing outside plays havoc on my skin. I’ll reach for their tinted moisturizer instead of foundation when I’m feeling lazy (which is most days) – it’s natural looking but still manages to cover up the redness I am battling with these days. When it comes to exfoliating, I am a little bit of a masochist – once weekly I’ll pile huge handfuls of the Divine Body scrub onto my loofah and really get down to business I love stepping out of the shower after an intense scrub, and this one is my favourite, made almost entirely of brown sugar and just like the name suggests, it smells divine. Finally, their tinted moisturizer – I am so pale these days and as a summer girl, it makes me feel less confident. Sounds silly, I know. I slather this everywhere, especially prior to a photoshoot – it really just melts into your skin and the best part? It washes off with water – no stains!
products featured: Instant Foaming Cleanser, Premier Cru Eye Cream, Overnight Recovery Oil, Anti-Wrinkle Defense Serum,
Divine Body Scrub, Tinted Moisturizer & Divine Tinted Body Lotion

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