What I’m Wearing: ASOS Sunglasses, Vintage Black Swimsuit &
Purple Patterned Skirt, Mango Heels & Chanel Bag.
So, couldn’t find a flight back to Paris today (I am one of those ridiculous people who leave booking until the night before!) so I’m in Spain for one last sweet day tomorrow. I don’t really have alot to say- except I’ve been planning my autumn/winter wardrobe, listening to this all day and drinking iced coffee (my boyfriend and I perfected making iced coffee while he was here) What is everyone planning to wear once the colder weather comes rolling in? So far, I’m excited for brightly coloured faux furs, emerald and ivy greens- oh and snakeskin! (BTW, have you guys noticed a trend in my recent blog posts, the last week or so, I’ve become obsessively drawn to the colour PURPLE) Oh, and this skirt is a little too big for me (such a shame as I love it!)- its a UK 10 or EU 40- if you would like to buy it, email me at audreyrogers@live.com
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