What I’m Wearing: Vintage Butterscotch Sweater Tee, American Apparel Pink Blouse, Frassy Rags
Braided Bracelets, H&M; Suede Red Leggings + Sunglasses, New Look Patent Beige Heels + Ebay Clutch.
Well, I’m exhausted. Foster The People were incredible last night, you can see a clip of their performance at La Cigale here– we had a great night until we were literally stranded in an early morning Paris due to the irritating lack of taxis in this city. And now, I’m crawling into my very cosy bed- I’m going to Spain tomorrow for a few days of home comforts (hey, lets hope I ACTUALLY get on a plane this time!) Hope you all have had a good weekend, I’m sending you all lots of blogger love from Paris tonight! Photo: Anastasia Nielsen
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