So, this evening was a small celebration, not only was the weather beautiful, I signed my agency contract! I’ve been blogging for a long time now (since 2008!) and I never thought bloggers would be worthy of agents. But we’ve collectively grown to be a powerful media, and I am so proud of us – all of us girls blogging out there, all over the world, who from their bedrooms have inspired and influenced other people – and I say this from both sides, as a blogger but also, as a devoted blog reader. Most of my ideas and inspiration has come from other bloggers, many of which I am so lucky to call good friends. And so, to celebrate, I wore a sundress down to the Seine, where we had a picnic, complete with cheddar, chutney, sundried tomatoes and soya vanilla pudding for dessert. Hope you had a glimpse of summer wherever you are too! More tomorrow! Photos: Anastasia Nielsen
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