When Shoescribe contacted me about collaborating on a feature, I obviously couldn’t resist. Not only are they a mecca of beautiful designer shoes but they recently launched their awesome range of Premium Shoe Boxes. And so when UPS arrived with a stack of pretty boxes and two pairs of Alexander Wangs, I went about creating a feature to share with you all, in the form of a video (if you missed it, look up top!) plus, some images of the boxes in/around my apartment. I talk a lot about organization on Frassy, because I am rather OCD about it but also because, my house is overflowing with everything fashion – including an entire floor to ceiling shelving space crammed with shoes . So, if I don’t keep everything in order, my flat would be a very messy sartorial explosion, which makes these stackable, super functional boxes a fashion hoarder’s dream come true! For more information on the premium boxes (and also, some pretty sweet designer shoes on sale) click onto Shoescribe.com More tomorrow!
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