What I’m Wearing: Ukulele Dolly Dress, Ebay Lace Bunny Ears & ASOS Sonic Pointed Courts
The sporadic nature of my style overwhelms me sometimes – yesterday I was going grunge, replacing a bra with a statement snapback and today, I’m perched on Pont Alexandre looking like a bratty little bunny. I’ve never been one of those girls that sticks to one “look” – and while my ongoing experimentation with clothes is incredibly fun, but also a constant learning experience. Sometimes, I can’t help but doubt myself – you know what they say “jack of all trades, master of none” and so I wonder, would I be better off really mastering one sole style, sticking to it and claiming it as my own? Maybe as I get older, this will happen naturally? But then, I remember that fashion shouldn’t be over analysed – go with your gut, follow your instincts and allowing your wardrobe to reflect your every whim & fancy is by far a much better approach. Right?
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