What I’m Wearing:Love Red Label Leopard Skater Dress, Zara Hat, ASOS Sunglasses & Nelly Heels

Ok, I’ve been wearing this hat alot (too much? maybe), but it’s my absolute favourite and really, without exaggeration, all my others pale in comparison. Honestly, this hat was a game-changer, the shape & brim-size of my dreams and to think I accidently stumbled upon it. I was a little depressed, exhausted to the point of tears & I’d taken a tumble the night before which resulted in a pretty painful limp of a walk. To be frank, I was miserable. So I insisted my boyfriend help me shuffle into Zara for some sort of retail therapy. Nothing caught my eye , until in a corner of the men’s section, I spotted this beauty. Fives minutes later it was mine and I took it for coffee, where it sat with me while I had a chai by myself. Call me crazy, but finding my perfect hat on that dreary day – it was a tiny beacon of hope on a day I was doubting absolutely every single component of my life. I was so wanting one part of my weekend to go right , and this silly hat fixed that for me. Wow, I’m actually pretty impressed I managed to forge an entire story out of buying a hat one weekend, but as a clothes- lover – a lot of my most cherished wardrobe pieces hold a dozen stories, memories and emotions for me. Like the purple Hermes scarf I wore in my hair almost everyday for a month or my now-thread-barren silk tank top I was wearing when I met one of the most important people in my life… but girls, we will save those stories for another day. If there is one then you can rely on here, its me talking about my clothes! More tomorrow. Photos: Catherine O’Hara
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