What I’m Wearing: Tally Weijl Le Marais Sweater, Tally Weijl Black Skater Skirt & Tally Weijl Black Patent Brogues

When I saw this sweater, I had to have it – I don’t tend to wear slogans very often ,but a garment that almost geo-tags where I spend most of my time in Paris, well it just seemed perfectly appropriate. Plus, you girls know the love I feel for anything and everything breton! How’s everyone’s weekend? After spending all day this week on my feet, running around the city with suitcases full of clothes for all kinds of photoshoots, I hid out at home in my socks with nothing but the expresso machine for company. When I got home on Friday evening, I threw myself into bed, intending to lie there just to update instagram. Four hours later, I woke up in total darkness with my shoes still on and i-phone in hand. I haven’t felt that exhausted for a while, so this weekend was just what I needed, here’s hoping all the sleep has softened the terrible circles under my eyes!
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