What I’m Wearing: Hobbs of London Trench Coat & Earrings, Darccy Dress & La Paire Leopard Flats
I adore this Hobbs Trench, it’s the perfect colour and perfect length and while you might be tired of seeing it here and over on instagram, I am nowhere near tired of wearing it! For a big goof like me, a trench makes me feel sublimely ladylike as well as refined in a way I could never really be. Isn’t that an amazing thing, how certain clothes make you feel a certain way? I find that fascinating, the emotional context of clothes. One day I’d love to write my memoir with each chapter themed on a item of clothing and what happened in my life while I was wearing it . Sounds terribly boring but I’d put a good spin on it, or at least try. So much emphasis is put on ‘trends’, and that’s great from a marketing viewpoint but the stories behind the clothes women wear, that is where fashion really becomes a beautiful thing for me. I know my best girlfriends’ personalities like the back of my hand, and on the other hand, I know their entire wardrobes – what they wear, why they wear it, why they love it – because really, the two are so closely intertwined. And while clothes won’t change your personality, they are so heavily influenced by everything you are. Don’t you think? Getting dressed every morning is an incredible thing, something we should all celebrate in some way or another!
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