You already know, I am a long time collector of the trench, indisputably the classic of all the jackets. I have many, too many; in an array of colours, cuts, sleeveless, cropped and so on: a conoisseur I do indeed fancy myself. So when I come to you and claim to have a found favourite, you should take heed. It is not a statement I proclaim lightly, but this one is just perfect. The colour is a little unexpected, tailoring of corset proportions without the Victorian discomfort…and finally, the floral embroidery that dapples the fabric like a falling bouquet. This will be the only jacket I will wear until spring simmers into summer; my trench family is envious of their new member, she waltzed right up to place of pride in my walk in; hanging on the open door itself, thus preventing any pointless perusing through any other options. But let me not overlook her cousin too, a darker speciman with a flare of her own: the belted peplum jumpsuit. A tailoring style I had forgotten until slipping this beauty one, an option even more welcoming given my pre-menstrual bloat and sudden tendency to find myself at the bakery. You can eat your cake and hide it too, jumpsuit I salute you. I have been a fairthful fan of River Island ever since stepping foot on British soil for the sake of a University degree. I have worn there pieces here and there throughout the near decade narrative I call Frassy, but I must say, their studio collection is so luxurious; the proof being the feedback you all provided when I shared a sneakpeek of this ensemble on instagram; you were all mostly indignant that it was indeed, high street. Those are the best pieces, the ones that look expensive but didn’t force a month of only eating rice to wear them. And so without further ado, I am very enthusiastic to share this edit I shot in collaboration with River Island, I can only hope I did their beautiful studio collection pieces justice. My hair is rather messy, but then again, I have a bouquet of flowers falling down the back of my trench, so who cares? Even Monet, I think would be proud.
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