Fact: every designer piece I own is vintage. The trendy designer pieces never tempt me, I prefer the classics, so to buy pre-loved versions is not only easier on my bank account but I’ve also managed to acquire some fairly unique pieces. My YSL handbag from the 70s generates so much admiration and truthfully, I secretly relish the fact that not everyone can run out and buy it at the boutique. My bags are special to me, they are a testament to my hard work and progress in life as a grown woman who accomplishes goals and then you know, treats herself. Saying that, I save an incredible amount of money, in the thousands by investing in vintage. The biggest predicament when buying vintage designer however is authenticity. The internet is rife with frauds and fakes, which puts off many women and I understand, it would be a blow to spend triple figures on an imitation. And so it is with great honour to collaborate with Designer Exchange, to share my experience but ultimately too, to recommend them for your next big purchase. For years I’ve wanted to collaborate with a vintage re-seller and having found one I really love, it felt fitting to share them with you here.
my experience with designer exchange
I’ve been on the lookout for Louis Vuitton’s Alma bag for over a year now. I adore the ladylike, rigid retro shape and I wanted the classic monogram ; which is a little harder to find vintage. Most of the ones available are the patent versions. The prada wallet was a required update from my YSL card holder, which as streamlined as it proved too small for the miscellaneous crap that likes to live in my wallet – receipts, notes I make to myself, innumberable membership and loyalty cards, an odd earring, maybe a midi ring or 3 as well as the expected and always cumbersome mountain of copper coins. I bought both with, I’ll admit, with not enough hesitation via Designer Exchange. I salute the site on their detailled photographs as well as product descriptions outlining wear-and-tear etc. I always appreciate when vintage re-sellers are very specific with details because let’s face it, sometimes a used bag simply looks too used and it’s important to understand exactly what condition the piece is in before buying. Every piece is backed by a team of specialists who ensure authenticity through and through. The brand have been operating since 2013, this is an important factor to consider when buying vintage designer, as usually the sites with longevity are the most reliable. 48 hours later, both my new bag and wallet were here in my hands and both in shockingly pristine basically new condition. I was delighted to say the least! I know many of you are still hesistant when it comes to ebay or etsy, I’ve shared many conversations with some of you, nervously on the brink of investing in a pre-loved designer piece, so if you too are nervous when it comes to hyper-huge sites like those, I couldn’t reccomend Designer Exchange with MORE enthusiasm if I tried. They also have a 14 day return policy and a 12 month warranty. If buying online isn’t for you, they have boutiques in Knightsbridge and Kensington in London, but also, Manchester, Birmingham and even one here in Spain, in Madrid. And finally, for those of you perhaps wanting to sell designer pieces, they offer instant cash payment and exchange for designer items, which I am considering as I have my eye on this beautiful YSL leather shopper and might be willing to part ways with one of my babies to make room for this beauty.
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