Well friends, it’s almost Valentine’s Day. Now, a day of celebrating love with a man? You already know I’m clueless, as baffled as I am by outer space. But dates? I’m a conossieur, an expert in that field. Yes, indeed. Living in a city, we almost always opt for the same scenario,; a shabby chic coffee shop, an overpriced, low-lit bar and if we really enjoy the guy, dinner at that new place Time Out featured. I’ve been on so many dates, so so many dates, most of which I prefer to keep within a 0.5 kilometre radius of my house – putting makeup on is one thing but paying cab fare for an underwhelming man is simply an expense I cannot justify. I learnt this after going all the way across town to meet a germaphobe who cleaned every inch of our cafe table with a tissue for a good 20 minutes before resting his sweater covered arms upon it. WHAT? No more going the distance for a date unless it’s the third or fourth round. OR if the man is truly a treasure, I flew all the way to Milan to see a man and a few weeks ago, I was on a 3 hour train for another. So dates, I know the practice well and I do think we do too much of the same. I’ve been hanging out with a man recently who on our first date, took me to a secret beach, we sat on rocks and watched the sea as the sun set. It was simple, unexpected and I loved it. A stark contrast to the man who invited me to an orgy a few weeks ago. Yeah, I passed on that invite. And while there’s no loyal flow of romance in my life, there certainly is a lot of the spontaneous variety – and so I thought, why not dress up and dream up my ideal 3 dates? So I did just that, in collaboration with Little Mistress, a brand with dresses for all the best occasions, and more specifically for my ideal dates.
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