You all know how much I love reading, I’ve dedicated a large proportion of my life to books. It was my biggest solace growing up, I then, dedicated 3 intense years studying the words of the great writers for my English Literature degree and finally, at 30, living in the most permanent home I’ve had yet, my apartment is filled with a book collection that continues to grow. I’ve been asked countless times for a reading list, honestly, the thought of it made me nervous for two reasons. I read a lot and my favourite books span dozens and dozens. I have entire relationships with certain books, returning to the bookmarked quotes that strike me deep and to miss one of those out, and there are too many, felt unfair, like I wouldn’t be doing this passion of mine justice. Ridiculous, I know. Even more ridiculous, recommending a book to me is the ultimate reflection of my soul, it’s not something I do very often, so the prospect felt daunting. I’ve started this list many times, only to find myself in a frenzy, thinking about books I missed out and that maybe if they had been included, you would have loved them with the same vigour I do and perhaps they could have emotionally or intellectually helped you in the way they have provide me with ease. It’s not hyperbole when I tell you that some books feel like part of me. And in my lowest times, I’ve relied on certain books like a limb. I’m not religious but the relationship I have to reading is religious. And so, to ease into all the books I’d like to share with you, over time, I’ve titled this PART ONE, hoping that it will relieve my anxiety of not including them all, because this is a list without end. Additional lists will follow because I’ll never stop reading and falling in love with words. So, without further ado, here’s my first stack of essentials.