What I’m Wearing: Tally Weijl Blue Button-Up Blouse, Tally Weijl Black & White Skirt & Tally Weijl Patent Oxford Brogues

Oh Fashion Week, how exhausting. I bought some fresh simple flowers, threw on a basic blouse and tackled the day in my comfiest, shiniest pair of brogues. I am really enjoying adding a preppy touch to my outfits, I never ever thought I’d write that here on Frassy, but girls, I am all for a good button up blouse and a pair of cosy socks matched with my shoes. A tad school uniform inspired, which really comes as no surprise because genuinely and wholeheartedly, I am a full fledged nerd. Thankfully there are things like makeup and high heels to hide some of my inner geek but sometimes, you just gotta embrace what you really are – and so that is what I did today!
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