I feel like from the moment we as women take an interest in our wardrobes, it becomes an ongoing pursuit of figuring stuff out. What flatters which part of our body, the styles we should avoid, the clothes we keep folded away for our super skinny days and an opposing stack for when we feel larger than normal. Personal style is a story, and I’m all for a story, you know that. For 8 years now I have faithfully documented my wardobe; what I wear has evolved and continues to do so. But the story has been a constant scribble, there has been no plot or consistency in my wardrobe’s narrative at all. At the beginning of this year, I delved deep into ‘sartorial thought’ and eventually ended up deciding to veer my closet into a more sophisticated direction. Now I do believe that personal style should come naturally and without too much consideration, anything too calculated never looks comfortable – but sometimes, we need to set up loose definitions to help push our closet in the way we want it to go. And so, I did just that. Shedding all my girly preferences, replacing them with more womanly, simpler garments as well as a handful of bags I bought with my extra money after saving. I am aiming for less tutus and more turtlenecks, tighter jeans and a trench coat in every cut. I’m embracing textures like suede and snakeskin. I am practically observing until it becomes studying, taking lessons in tailoring and layering. Less bright colours, with the exception of red perhaps and more earth tones, blacks, creams and so on. No pink or pastel blue for me, unless they are dusty and grey-toned. I want to look like what I am, an almost 30 year old woman. I have also lost a considerable amount of weight in recent months, finally finding the comfort to wear tighter and more tailored styles. I guess what I’m trying to say here is, I’d rather be chic than cute. I already did cute; I wore the purple wigs and the unicorn t-shirts and the glittery tutus on bridges in Paris. I want my wardrobe to be one of a woman. And hey, we could blame the fact I now live in Spain, but I want to be sexy, in a classy, lady way, ofcourse, naturally. But above all, I’m shifting shoes, blazers, blouses and so on to fit my life right now. I’ve always done that, I always will. Who knows, perhaps this is just another chapter in the scribble of a story my wardrobe tells. Or maybe this phase is a plot I’ll hold on to. Time will tell.
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