all we need is the sun in the sky and the hope of a summer to come
This week marked the official start of summer with June 1st circled pink in my agenda next to a dramatically doodled exclamation mark, I’m excited. I hope you are too. I hope you live a little or a lot this summer, I hope you travel to a coast somewhere. I hope you find a way to rent a boat and drink cold beers as you float around on a sea that shimmers the drunker you get. I hope you kiss a tanned boy in a steamy nightclub under the stars or get that perfect instagram shot of you standing on the edge of a cliff with your arms flung wide and your heart happy to be somewhere new. I hope you get sunburnt and buy a cheesy pool float to lounge on in an infinity pool. I hope you eat weird foreign foods and drink things like Passoa or Malibu or sangria, iced and dewy under the mid afternoon heat. I hope you do whatever you damn please, even for just a few days this summer. I hope you find sun and worship under it. I hope you find fun trouble on tiny streets that lead nowhere in a coastal town crammed with happy people. I hope you get sweaty dancing to trashy euro music at an outdoor bar next to the waves. I hope you stain postcards with cold cocktails as you write silly things in the sun. I hope you go barefoot and bare faced and watch the sun rise or set, dripping down into dark as you talk about your dreams that might not ever be, but feel sharp and probable under the heat on the beach. I hope you buy an overpriced white cotton dress at a souvenir shop and I hope it gets crusty with salt and sand. I hope you explore any escape you can this summer, I hope you dive into your savings or imprudently blow your paycheck so that you can drift away somewhere sea-side. I really really hope you do it. The shores of Southern Europe come alive under the sun, the time is now and you must get over here. I’ll be in this gigantic hat with salt in my hair, wide eyed, laughing with skin too tanned but alive because summer is my season …I really hope to see you here.
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