what i’m wearing: zara biker jacket, pretty little thing cold shoulder cream sweater, river island flared jeans, castaner leo boots, zaful sunglasses
& vintage 1970s louis vuitton handbag
The fewer hours of sunlight make the days fade too soon. In an attempt to elongate them I’ve been rising at 6 or 7 am before the sun herself. Now, I enjoy the early morning as much as a bat, which is to say, not at all. I stand in a stupor, my head somewhere unknown, leaning heavily on the kitchen counters, chugging coffee. I am not even ‘Audrey’ in all her true forms until somewhere around 9 or 10 pm. But I’ll try anything in hopes of squeezing more out of my days, which truthfully haven’t felt very productive as of late. Oh well, my work ethic is a wave, the current isn’t always forceful. I’ve been writing like a loon, which brings me great satisfaction but it’s not a task crossed off my to-do list. I had pizza for dinner last night, for no reason other than my boyfriend and I were both too exhausted to imagine up a healthy dinner, so surrended to cheese and crust from across the street instead. In the space of 3 hours on Monday evening , I devoured this expensive Chanel coffee table book I treated myself too. In recent months, I’ve made a concerted effort to abandon my screens in the evenings for more worthwhile pursuits, which also provides a sure-fire excuse to buy even more books. I’ve also circled back around to my interior mania, which stemmed from a panic, a few weeks ago, when I looked around and realized my home was nowhere near ‘done’. Hard life I have, worrying about the decor of my home, it’s the closest I’ve come to resembling a housewife. I’ve been manically scouring the homeware section of every brand imaginable, hitting pinterest like it’s a drug and dragging out all the frames and prints I bought but never managed to hang. I’ve bought new shelves, a vanity, various marble textured things and a temptingly enormous pot of gold paint. Yesterday, after the gym, I found myself in a huge home deco store, sweat still gleaming from the treadmill, and in my hand? A white parakeet figurine with a 60 euro price tag. Thankfully I awoke from my post-gym interior daze and put the bird away, but seriously, my obsessions so quickly devolve out of control. On another equally fascinating note, I’ve been dreaming of doughnuts and parmesan cheese to an almost pornographic dimension, all the while wishing I could articulate something more inspiring or insightful here for you today. But the days are quiet, so is the weather and with it my mood.
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