It’s been a strange few weeks for me, one of those bi-annual periods that come like clockwork where inspiration decides to check out of my life, like a friend in new love. I text but there’s no reply. I want to hang out, but they are preoccupied. Suddenly I am wondering if they will ever return, and why did I invest so much time if this how it’s going to be? But I’ve learnt to simply wait, until time evens things out, because friends, like inspiration simply cannot be around all the time. They come and go through life’s ebbs and flows. I also like to think that while inspiration isn’t keeping me company, it’s hit some other soul on this earth in abundance and someone somewhere is out there near-hysteria with creative ideas. Inspiration could be an energy like the weather you know? It might be raining here but somewhere else someone is sitting with their face towards the sun. I will say this though, it’s far harder to see my inspiration dissappear than a friend. After all, my creativity is my favourite relationship. And I so desperately want her here, annoying me, pushing me, keeping me up late at night. Yesterday I accidentally took a 4 hour nap, that is just how uninspired I feel these days. But I’ve been here before and she will come back. So while she’s been gone, I took some time to meet some new men, see old friends and spring clean my house ; activities my work usually keeps to a minimum. Simply sitting here waiting doesn’t work. So I walked away and I’m hoping, come Monday morning I can sit down and ask my inspiration what she did and where she went for these last 2 weeks.