here i am again, kicking dust in the valley
winds, waiting for that sun to go down.
what im wearing: primark maxi dress, cardigan, sunglasses & sandals
The stone walls of Spain, sunsets that drip late into colours so bright I can almost taste them and dark pools that are still too cool for swimming but warm enough for toe dipping. A big hat and large sunglasses to hide my bare face underneath – freckles dotting into shapes across my skin and the promises of the golden shade I love my skin to be. There is something in the air here, and in Spain we do nothing as well as we do summertime. Always flushed cheeeks, watching coast after coast stretch and fold into each other on the train, limbs that itch with bug bites and dirty feet under pretty shoes… Sand and shores roll all the way down the peninsula and how regal they look under the warmer sun and longer days. I guess at heart, I’m a Spanish girl – I forever fancied myself something else, but where you find your ease, that is who you are and that is where you should be. And at dusk, on days like these, tiles still warm from the sun and a sky so crisp it looks clean – this is where I like to be.
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