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a new cosmetic love

Thursday, September 8, 2016


There are two things I believe to be undeniably better in France, pastries and skincare. I long for their pharmacies and tiny cosmetic boutiques in the same way I crave fresh baked baguettes or tarte au citron. Now you already know that every time I return to Paris, I bulk buy and check a suitcase sloshing with litres of skincare products. So, when I discovered Eisenberg by happenstance, I was intrigued. My interest intensified when I read that the founder spent an entire 13 years in scientific research developing his iconic & patented Trio-Molecular Formula, a formula containing 3 molecules existing in nature which regenerate, energise and oxygenate the skin.  It’s natural, it took over a decade to perfect and it will regenerate my too quickly aging skin? Ofcourse, I had to do what I like to call: invest and investigate.  So often with luxury cosmetics, the return on what you paid feels minimal. I am so often left dissapointed, wishing I hadn’t spent my hard earned money on pots of cream and toner etc left lonely on my bathroom counter simply because they didn’t do anything to help my skin. So, at times the investment in the product wasn’t worth it, which is why I like to track their performance to really assess whether I got my money’s worth and whether I should buy again. Now, as always I’d like to disclaim;  Eisenberg did not pay me to share this with you, I was genuinely quite fascinated with the brand which is simply how this post came to be.

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Today marks a month since I first incorporated Eisenberg into my routine, I love the brand and have now fiercely invited them to sit forever alongside my other French favourites. My hero, most effective products all hail from their trio molecular line ; yes the formula that the founder spent 13 years perfecting. They are simple, delicately scented but work rigourously ; I most love the remodelling facial mask, illuminating pure light eye/face gel, and makeup removal gel, which works wonderfully alongside my clarisonic. I’ve never tried a gel before, usually I always opted for a water but the thicker consistency really removes everything, even all my mascara. The Pure Light illuminator is wonderful, also a gel consistency; I’ve been applying this just prior to my foundation /concealer, it keeps the dryer areas of my skin more supple and acts like a cleaner, nonclogging alternative to primer. As for the mask, I adore the ritual of them, I have an entire copper basket in my bathroom over spilling with a rota of different kinds I rely on for when my skin feels different ways. I’d describe this one as a firming mask, it cleanses and brightens; doesn’t dry my skin but it definitely feels refreshed and tighter, a quality I crave as I crawl towards 30. Another one of note is their moisturizing fluid cream, which I haven’t used as frequently as  my preferred products, mostly because I already have a moisturizer I love but when that one runs out, I’ll certainly switch it out for this one.



In my opinion, Eisenberg offer quality, their products are backed by scientific research and I appreciate their down to earth approach to skincare, it’s high end but not too glossy – essentially, it’s real. This is, I suppose why I’m loyal to French cosmetics ; they don’t buy out window displays at Sephora or department stores, relying instead on the effectiveness of their products. Now, you’re probably wondering, should I invest? If you are a fan of simple cosmetics or if you, like me appreciate French skincare, then I doubt you’ll be  disappointed in spending. It’s not often I  endorse beauty products, so when I do, it means I’m genuinely impressed. Maybe you will be too. I hope so.


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