Well here we are in May. I cannot quite believe how quickly April dissolved, I blame the unexpected bouts of rain Barcelona has been breathing under. Grey skies melt time don’t you find? I was having coffee today with a friend and we were both fairly despondent about spring’s disappearance. There she was, quite consistently. We responded, moved all our coats into storage but then she dissappeared and we are all wondering why. Hemingway called it the false spring, but then again he was referring to Paris, the warmer seasons usually swoop in and stay in Spain. Oh well, she will be back. Until then, I’ll be wearing this blazer in all it’s tailored glory. I will admit I usually resort to the weather when I lack anything of substance to say, and sadly that is the case today.
what i’m wearing: primark navy embellished blazer, primark white cotton blouse & primark white culottes
I am feeling a little overwhelmed by many aspects of my life that don’t surface here online. Not even coffee is fuelling me in the normal way, and yet I’m not tired but more distracted than ever. Life has been busy and brimming full, which I will elaborate on later but today I simply don’t have the words. Instead I’d rather return to this regal blazer and it’s ability to dress up the most basic of double whites beneath. I’ll bet you cannot believe it’s Primark? They keep getting better and better, but amazingly, their prices don’t reflect their forever improving quality. I will always salute the brand, but you already know that.
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