Well, suddenly work swooped in like a wave. Summer did too. Oh and quite a dramatic hair cut. Life is absolutely overwhelming these days, which is exciting but equally exhausting, thus I am ricoheting between these two emotions with new speed. My mind is spinning through five different projects at once, the living room no longer looks liveable but instead crammed with clothes racks, shoe piles and wrinkled notes for shoots I scribbled nonsensically at 3 am. When I say I’m busy, I really am. The stack of coffee cups in my sink is a good indication, so far I am at almost maximum capacity with around 16. Thank goodness I decided on the chop, I don’t even have time to clean my kitchen let alone style my hair. This bob, unlike my sink, takes care of itself. What a wonderful thing it is to have an entire extra 45 morning minutes because yes, shamefully that is how long I previously spent hair styling. And further emphasizing the time cramp of this week, another co-ord. I did tell you I adore them and I did tell you I bought quite a few of them. So voila, here’s another. Surely the easiest thing to wear when one wakes up in a panic, which is how I’ve been greeting most days as of late.
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